Kamis, 29 November 2012


Eating pork in the religious teachings of Islam it is forbidden why pork is forbidden because in many contain harmful substances and disease so that if it gets eaten by Muslims diseases contained in it will go in the human body. Here are some of the scientific facts found in pork so that Islam forbids eating pork would like to know what wrote it see 10 Reasons Why Scientific Pork Forbidden In Islam following.
1. Pig is a container (the container) disease.
Some seed-borne diseases such as pork tapeworm (Taenia solium), spiral worm (Trichinella spiralis), Hookworm (Ancylostoma duodenale), lung flukes (Paragonimus pulmonaris), intestinal worms (Fasciolopsis buski), Schistosoma worms (japonicum), Tuberculosis Bacteria (TB), cholera bacteria
(Salmonella choleraesuis), Brucellosis suis bacteria, smallpox viruses (Small pox) virus mange (scabies), Parasitic protozoa Balantidium coli, a protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii
2. The pork is tender.
Although soft and delicious impressed, but because it contains a lot of fat, the pork is hard to digest. As a result, nutrients (nutrients) can not be utilized the body.

3. According to Prof. A.V. Nalbandov (author of the book: Physiology adaptive on Mammals and Birds) states that the bag of urine (urinary gallbladder) pig often leaked, so the pig urine seeps into the meat. As a result, pork contaminated dirt should be removed with urine.

4. Back fat (back fat) thick and can be easily damaged by oxidative processes ransiditas (rancid), unfit for human consumption.

5. Pigs are carrier virus / disease Bird Flu (Avian influenza) and Swine Flu (Swine Influenza).

In the pig's body, AI virus (H1N1 and H2N1) were originally benign H1N1/H5N1 mutated into a savage / deadly and contagious to humans.
6. According to Prof Abdul Basith Muh. Sayid pig-borne diseases, such as hardening of the arteries, increased blood pressure, chest pain that gripped (angina pectoris), inflammation (pain) in the joints of the body.

7. Dr. Murad Hoffman (PhD expert and author from Germany) wrote that the pigs were infected by a worm Eating pork is not only dangerous, but also led to an increase in the body's cholesterol and slow the process of protein breakdown in the body.

Plus worms Causes pig colon cancer, skin irritation, eczema, and rheumatic and influenza viruses are dangerous to live and thrive in the summer because the medium (taken by) pigs.

8. Scientific research in China and Sweden mentioned that pork is the main cause of anal cancer and colon.

9. Dr Muhammad Abdul Khair (author of the book: Ijtihaadaat fi at Tafsir Al Quran Al Kareem) writes that pork contains tapeworms seeds and Trachenea lolipia. Worms are transferred to humans who consume pork.

10. DNA pigs are similar to humans, so the vices of pigs can be transmitted to humans. Some vices such as pigs, the most voracious beast, dirty and slovenly in his class, then greed is unmatched other animals, and likes to eat his own feces and carcasses and human feces were eaten. Really like to be in a wet and dirty. To satisfy the greedy nature, when nothing else is eaten, he spit the contents of his stomach, then eat again. Sometimes he urinated more feed before eating.

Well that's the reason why meat babai bebrapa forbidden in Islam for human eat.

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